Before the TFT arrived in Rwanda at the IZERE Center, we had numerous cases of suffering from trauma, depression, guilt, anger, stress, disability or physical pain and other psychological problems.

Many people had neither hope nor issues for these problems. We tried our best to find every where someone who could help our people in healing. But under God, the delegation from ATFT BOARD, headed by Suzanne Connelly August 2009 accepted to come to help us to find the issues of these problems.

They did a study, they trained 35 Rwandan therapist and treated many people at IZERE Center. This work revealed us the power of TFT.  Around 99% of treated people witnessed their healing. And we also saw the differences among our clients.

Before the departure of this team, we formed an association of the therapists trained by Suzanne, Dr. Caroline and their companions in order to continue helping a great number of people who continued to come to be treated at Izere Center.

After their departure, we opened a TFT office at IZERE Center where the therapists were helping permanently a big number of people.  We decided to create a TFT clinic with one permanent and 2 part-time therapists.  The TFT Foundation Board pays their salary. Even with the help of the TFT foundation,  there are many problems such as lack of water of the clients, lack of sufficient furniture of the office ( papers, ink, books, chairs,  tables,…), lack of fund of communication and transport.
If you can help us, please donate and help us to continue our work in helping as many people as possible.

The IZERE Center's new buildings

The TFT Office in the IZERE center

IZERE TFT Therapists

Roger Callahan and Joanne Callahan Visit the IZERE Center


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